(Left to right) Clay County Community Paramedicine Program team members: Cpt. Stephen Teal (interim program director) Lt. Christopher Hammock (community response),… October 12, 2022 - Orlando, Florida - The California Paramedic Foundation has announced the 2022 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Winner—Gerard Carroll, MD of Cooper University Health… The California Paramedic Foundation is proud to recognize the 2020 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Winner: Dr. Kevin Munjal and the Mt. Sinai Community Paramedic Program (CPP).… The novel SARS-Co-2 virus and the COVID-19 illness it causes are rapidly sweeping around the globe. California and the Pacific West have been profoundly impacted… [caption id="attachment_66197" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Air Methods—better known as Mercy Air and Skylife in California—leads the air-medical industry with its new "No Membership Required" programming that… [caption id="attachment_66071" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] California Paramedic Foundation co-founder Paul Maxwell presents the 2019 Nicholas Rosecrans Award to Colerain Fire and EMS at the EMS World… Today we spotlight Falck, our partner in education and EMS-driven prevention. Falck, in operation for over 100 years, is the international leader in emergency… In 2017, the National EMS Advisory Council (NAEMSAC) released an advisory recommending fundamental changes to the nomenclature used in emergency medical services (EMS). Following this… [caption id="attachment_65978" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Dr. Howard Backer the 10th EMS Director for California. This summer, Dr. Howard Backer retired from his post as Director at… This week paramedic Jason Smith, of the California Paramedic Foundation, sat down for an interview with Lynn Artz. Lynn is the mother of Nicholas Rosecrans,…2022 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Recognizes Dr. Gerard Carroll and Cooper EMS
2020 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Winner: Mt Sinai Community Paramedicine Program
CA EMS Authority Launches Statewide COVID-19 Portal
Partner Spotlight: Air Methods
Colerain Township Recognized for EMS-Driven Opioid Prevention
Partner Spotlight: Falck USA
Paramedicine. What’s In a Name?
Dr. Howard Backer Retires From Post as State EMS Director.
How One Toddler’s Tragic Drowning Spurred Nationwide Injury Prevention
2022 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Recognizes Dr. Gerard Carroll and Cooper EMS
2020 Nicholas Rosecrans Award Winner: Mt Sinai Community Paramedicine Program
CA EMS Authority Launches Statewide COVID-19 Portal
Partner Spotlight: Air Methods
Colerain Township Recognized for EMS-Driven Opioid Prevention
Partner Spotlight: Falck USA
Paramedicine. What’s In a Name?
Dr. Howard Backer Retires From Post as State EMS Director.
How One Toddler’s Tragic Drowning Spurred Nationwide Injury Prevention
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