Who We Are...
A paramedic-founded and paramedic-driven organization working on EMS in California.
What We Do...
We work on critical programming in the areas of Education, Prevention, and Advancement. We create open-access, high-quality, evidence-based education that improves the care paramedics deliver every day. We support tools and programs that integrate public health into the newly developing space of EMS prevention. And lastly, we support the advancement of paramedicine through which EMS delivers everyday care to communities across our state.
Paramedics are already an immense value in their communities, and yet there are many ways that their service can be expanded and improved by powerful programming. We support paramedics, because better paramedicine means a better world.
Are you passionate about paramedicine?
The Story...
The California Paramedic Foundation comes from the melding of two strong, historic EMS organizations-- The San Diego County Paramedic Association and EPIC Medics. The Association has focused on quality assurance and representing EMS professionals in their oversight bodies. EPIC medics has established multiple campaigns for injury prevention and supports similar programs across the country. Both organizations were founded in San Diego, CA and have collaborated for decades.
The Paramedic Association got its start in the late 80's, when a group of motivated paramedics worked to create a strong relationship between all EMS stakeholders in the region. It is has served in this role since its inception, driving education and communication throughout the region. Along the way, it started developing and releasing materials to aid EMS professionals and base hospital staff in delivering high quality care. These products have been widely adopted throughout the area and have helped to fund important nonprofit programming.
EPIC Medics began in 1997 after a series of pediatric drownings inspired paramedics to effect change. They worked to create visibility in pool safety and succeeded in lobbying for pool safety legislation. The effectiveness of paramedics in leading public safety campaigns became very apparent very quickly. EPIC medics has successfully led campaigns in carseat safety, traffic safety and bicycle safety. In partnership with JEMS, it also established a national award to promote similar efforts across the country.
The joining of these two organizations has allowed this work to expand. We live with the belief:
No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.