October 4, 2018
The service will begin operating in late Fall or early Winter and will handle all initial applications, initial challenge applications, and non-audit renewals. Renewals marked for audit, renewals after a lapse in licensure, and name changes will require a paper form. However, you can still use paper forms for all applications if you so desire.
It is important to note that with the implementation of this new system, the Authority will no longer provide same-day, in-house services. The last day in-house applications will be accepted is October 31, 2018. This means the days of driving to the Sacramento office at the 11th hour will be going away, so plan ahead and renew accordingly.
The new online platform does provide new conveniences to end-users. Applications can be viewed online and also printed. Applicants will be able to securely pay for eligible applications with Visa or Mastercard. Applicants will also be able to manage all of their important information, such as employers, phone numbers, and mailing addresses, through their account on the system.
For more information please visit emsa.ca.gov/paramedic where you can read about this new process and also contact the EMS Authority with any questions.