Shawna Brechbill
Shawna Brechbill is a paramedic, writer, and educator in Northern California. She has worked as a paramedic in Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, and Marin counties. Shawna enjoys teaching and has been an EMT Instructor for the San Francisco Paramedic Association, University of San Francisco, and the United States Coast Guard.
Shawna has a passion for writing and regularly creates content for EMS-1.com, as well as contributing to EMS textbook projects.
When not teaching and writing, Shawna volunteers with two international nonprofit organizations: the Enneagram Prison Project, which provides self-awareness training to incarcerated individuals around the world, and the Global Sojourns Giving Circle, which supports girl-empowerment in Southern Africa.
Shawna currently lives in Nevada City, CA.